This is a concept sketch of a multifunctional backdrop which can include useful features like shelving, lighting and even planters.
A model reveals that the geometry is interesting but complex.
Of all the items I list for needs or gaps, Key features I see in most of them are multifunctional, elegant and useful.  I choose the video backdrop! 

Why?  I can see it as more than a backdrop because it can incorporate many functions, bookshelf storage, lighting, even plants... the key is it has to look good (elegant) and be interesting. A lot of news shows, for example, have news room scenes (working environments) as a backdrop.

Almost everyone in my family does some sort of video conferencing now.  Also I'm a professional who does a lot at home and I need to project a good image.  I don't think I have to elaborate how embarrassing a bad backdrop can be in a business video conference.

I should be able to draw, and construct scale models, and even make the full scale "system" if it looks good.


Assignment 1.1: Good Design

One of my favorite designs is the Bubble Chair designed by Eero Aarnio.  It solved a few design problems in an elegant and interesting way.  It allows light to enter from any angle while providing a sheltering enclosure.  By using common materials unconventionally, it creates interest.  Finally its a simplistic/minimalist design (and easily manufactured) that is visually non obstructing, giving the room its in the illusion of a larger space while itself being a broad gesture. (image courtesy of


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    May 2013

